Monday, January 25, 2016

Are "Relationship Goals" Memes Just Annoying Or Something More?

Unless you've been living under a social media rock, you should know of or have seen pictures of other's relationships like the ones below, everywhere. They are usually accompianed by "OMG I wish I had this!" "Can't wait to be like this with my future bae" or "Me and Bae" following with a flurry of heart eye, kissy face, & raised hands emoji's. They're relationship goals memes, but are they important?

These pictures are basically inspiration or something to model one's relationship...a symbol. Quite a few people are annoyed with their presence, and I understand when it comes to the ones that are really ridiculous and aren't positive or are just random. But there are a lot that are admirable, and you can understand why people would look to those relationship pictures and desire to have that.

To me, these types of 'relationship goals" memes are the important ones. The ones that show a couple together and successful. They are important to a generation that has a strong reputation of completely turning its back on love; it shows that that is far from the truth.

It reveals that we do long to be in committed and successful relationships. We have our minds set on being involved with someone for the long run, and be genuinely in love with someone. That we actually do want to have someone to share our success with so much that we push and motivate them, as well.

SOME "relationship goals" memes are important because they show us, as a generation, that real love is out there and that we can strive for and obtain it.

What are your thoughts on "relationship goals" memes?

xx, Jasmine

*First seen on JSMNMarie*

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Monday, January 11, 2016

The Friend Zone & Giving Chances

Recently, I found myself regretting not giving one of my old high school friends a chance. By saying "give a chance", I mean playing into him liking me and allowing myself to be involved with him just to see if it works out. After this time of regret, I realized, at the time in high school, I was not attracted to him. He didn't deserve a chance because I didn't want to give him one. I just didn't see it for him.

I remember everyone begging me to like him because he and I would make this awesome couple that was just so cute and adorable. I agree, looking back, we had the solid foundation of the "high school sweethearts" fantasy/love story, but I refused to compromise my own feelings or lack thereof because twenty something people thought it was a "good idea".

This is where I was introduced to the friend zone and would meet it again time after time throughout high school. In my true "feministic" ways, I believe the friend zone is just another social construct to condemn women and force us to conform into what men want us to be and do. It makes girls (the usual friend zoner) feel horrible for not giving their guy friends (the usual friend zonee) a sexual or romantic chance. To be honest, sweetheart, we just don't feel you in that manner. You're just going to have to move on from it and stop being butt hurt.

For me, this whole complaint about the friend zone that I've received is beyond disheartening and hurtful. If the only reason we are friends is to somehow gain a sexual reward, then we should never have been friends in the first place. I'm not your sexual conquest. I am a human being who seeks platonic human interaction. If you see all your female friends as sexual/romantic conquests then maybe it's you who needs to reflect on yourself and not the girl who is your "friend".

What are your thoughts on the friend zone?

xx, Jasmine

*First Seen On JSMNMarie*

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Monday, January 4, 2016

2016 Reading List

Something that has always been important to me is reading all kinds of different books and just soaking everything in; whether it be fiction or non-fiction. I can remember doing nothing but reading growing up. I would go through 3 books a week. Not only that, but I would be able to give a full fledged review. So, I plan on going back to that. I will try read 3 books a month. I already have the first quarter of the year covered with these 9 books.

  1. The Bible For Black Girls x Chelsea Claverie
  2. Send It On x Jouelzy
  3. #GIRLBOSS x Sophia Amoruso
  4. Bad Feminist Essays by Roxane Gay
  5. Ghana Must Go x Taiye Selasi
  6. It's Not How Good How You Are, It's How Good You Want To Be x Paul Arden
  7. Damn Good Advice (For People With Talent) x George Lois
  8. F*ck Feelings: One Shrink's Practical Advice for Managing All Life's Impossible Problems x Michael I.Bennett, MD & Sarah Bennett
  9. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life x Jen Sincero

Be on the lookout for reviews and/or join in reading with me.

Do you have any book recommendations?

xx, Jasmine

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Friday, January 1, 2016

2015 Reflections | 2016 Expectations

The new year is here. 2015 did pass by with a swiftness. 2015 wasn't very memorable for me, but it did have it's moments. Like 2014, it was a year of realizations about myself which leads to many goals and expectations for 2016 and new outlook for me as well. Here are key points and lessons I've learned throughout the year and what I expect to come in 2016

2015 Reflections:

  1. Found my voice
  2. Damaged my hair
  3. Accepted into my top choice university
  4. Believed that I mattered
  5. Understood that I determine who "I" am
  6. Sought professional help for my depression and anxiety
  7. Figured out that I am the only holding me back
  8. Identified toxic relationships
  9. Realized I am somebody who deserves respect
  10. Began to figure who "I" am
  11. Started to find my purpose in my life
  12. Began to care about the people I spend time with 
  13. Big Chopped for the second time
  14. Accepted that "it" was not my fault 
  15. Realized that I need to be happy with myself before entering a relationship 
2016 Expectations:
  1. Breaking the habit of procrastination
  2. Stay focused on my studies
  3. Take myself and my dreams seriously
  4. Use my voice
  5. Hold myself accountable
  6. Be comfortable in my own skin
  7. Follow my dreams
  8. Take risks and chances
  9. Conquer my fears
  10. Be financially stable 
  11. Will not let others' negativity lessen my positivity 
  12. Prioritize self-care and mental health
  13. Value you other's opinions, but not let them shape me 
  14. Let my personality shine
  15. Not allow anyone to take advantage of me
  16. Address problems in the moment
I do plan on 2016 being a monumental year for me, in every aspect. I believe in myself and I'm ready to take charge of my life and dominate.

xx, Jasmine